Welcome to the North Lea Valley Group Pastorate Website and thank you for visiting.
The North Lea Valley Group Pastorate is a collective of local United Reformed churches in Hertfordshire. The group includes three churches: Cheshunt Free Church, Broxbourne United Reformed Church, and Hertford United Reformed Church. Their mission is to be an active Christian community open to all, coming together for worship, teaching, and prayer, while also offering loving care and support to everyone. They work alongside other Christian churches, reaching out into the community with love.
For any enquiries relating to Weddings, Christenings and Funerals, please contact our Minister, the Revd Mark Robinson on 07510 782031 or revdmarkr@gmail.com
For Cheshunt and Broxbourne hall bookings please use the Hall Booking links in the Contacts menu.
Read our Pastorate Safeguarding Policy.